Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First evening after surgery, Tuesday

Thanks for everyone that was here today which included, Dad and Mom Vogt, Deb Gilmore, Shane Britt, Jules and Peg Glanzer, Heidi and Daniel, and Nicholas. Nicholas surprised all of us. He drove to Topeka today and drove in with Heidi and Daniel.

Sheree is in good spirits. While becoming more alert and at the same time dosing off from time to time. Today she gets to rest and tomorrow she starts to walk.

Seems like this update wouldn't be complete without a report on the numbers. Current numbers on display on equipment by her bedside include: 100, 51, and 7.

9:05 pm 01-10-2012 (The automatic posting time on the blog appears to not work.)


  1. Thank you for the updates Elgin. I will continue to pray for Sheree and for you and your family! Please let me know of any specific prayer concerns you might have and tell Sheree hello!

  2. Okay, Sheree...you'll be in my 'roll over' prayers tonight. Although, I'm afraid I'm stilling picturing you suspended from the ceiling.... glad this day is done!!

    1. Does the suspended from the ceiling picture come from the 1978 movie "Coma"?

  3. Praise the Lord! And again I say PRAISE the Lord! Rejoicing that all went well and that both Heidi and Nicholas were able to be there!!!! You all are never very far from our thoughts and prayers! Happy WALKING Day! Love you much!
