A number of people have been inquiring about how Sheree is "really" doing. Thinking that maybe we are only telling the good parts or maybe sugar coating Sheree's status.
So here are the bad parts:
1. Sheree wears a brace from her waist to her shoulder blades that is not the most comfortable. It is made of a hard plastic like material and she wears it to bed at night. She can take it off to clean up.
2. Full recovery is expected to take from 8 to 12 weeks.
3. She takes pain medication that helps her to be able to remain active and walk. The medication causes her to sleep during the day in addition to night.
4. For now, she is somewhat confined to the house. She hasn't left home since coming home on Sunday.
5. She is not to take a shower or bath until the bandage is removed which hopefully will be Monday when she has an appointment with Dr. Whitaker.
6. There will be a scar the full length of her back.
So from what we were expecting or not knowing what to expect, we are very pleased that Sheree is:
1. Able to walk over a half mile a day.
2. Able to sleep well at night. The last two nights she got up once each night. (That's as good or better than me, if you know what I mean.)
3. Able to have pain under control with medication. Not pain free, but under control. I always knew that she is one tough lady.
4. Able to visit and communicate. Sometimes she has dreams that seem real to her that are not true from the medication. Of course, I have that sometimes too.
We know that the road ahead may seem long in a few weeks from now and that there will be some days when it is less pleasant than hoped for. But for now, Sheree's condition is better than anticipated for a 7.5 hour surgery with approximately 30 screws in her back.
Here is a picture of Sheree walking earlier today.
8:15 pm 01-17-2012
Did I mention that we have been blessed with Sheree's health status with being one week ago that she had surgery?
So glad things are going so well. PTL. Will keep praying for healing that continues to go so well. Is sitting difficult/uncomfortable? You say you are sleeping a fair amount due to the medications, that should help with the healing. Lord continue to give both of you strength.