Elgin has been such a faithful blog-poster for me during these last several weeks. Today I want to review several ways that I experienced God's presence and His peace during this time.
First, those of you that know me know that I struggle greatly with fear. Facing this surgery seemed like a really big deal and I had many fears going into it. It wouldn't take much of anything and I would be over the edge, consumed with fears and the tears would just start cascading. The day before the surgery a group of sweet friends came together for a breakfast and a time of praying over me. Elgin and I headed to Wichita in the afternoon and met with Dr. Whitaker again so I could get "marked". Following that appointment we checked into our hotel and then tried to find things to do to occupy my mind so I wouldn't dwell on the next day.
The day of the surgery I awoke with such a peace, totally a gift from the Lord. That was truly a peace beyone all human comprehension. We called for Wesley Security to come pick us up at the hotel and deliver us to the hospital. As we got into the Security's vehicle, the driver had previously tuned his radio to a Christian station and I was blessed once again with hearing an old hymn. To this day I don't remember what hymn it was, just remember thinking that that music was another God-thing at 4:45 a.m.!!!
Elgin stayed by my side in the hospital the entire time I was there. He slept on a roll-away bed in my room and was there for anything I needed. Another God-thing!
Today is Elgin's last day of vacation---he used three weeks of his vacation to stay with me and tend to my every need! What a blessing that has been to have him home with me. This last Monday when we went to our first post-op appointment with Dr. Whitaker the nurse commented to me "your husband is so attentive to your every need. You just don't usually see that. How long have you guys been married?" I told her it was 31 years and she said "that is just a miracle. You just don't see that anymore." I'm so grateful to God for blessing me with Elgin and I'm grateful that our relationship to each other can be a testimony to others in this world. Elgin continues to stand by me as my emotions catch up with everything that has happened in these last 2.5 weeks. I am blessed to have a husband that stands by me in that way. Thank you God!!!
PS -- I sat down at the piano today and I could still play!!! I'm so grateful for music and the way it quiets my spirit.
PPSS --- A HUGE thanks goes out to my Mom and Dad. They also have walked thru this with me and have given of their time to come to Abilene both last week and this week to do our laundry and ironing.
PPPSSS --- Another HUGE thanks to my sisters, Cindy and Deb, for coming to Abilene yesterday to clean our home. Oh my, it smelled so good and clean after they left.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
X-ray Pictures
Sheree asked me to post these two x-rays taken on Monday. A side view and a front view. The two curvy white lines on the front view are the titanium rods and the white circles on the rods are the screws. Other white dots are part of the brace that Sheree wears. They didn’t want her to remove the brace for the x-ray. The side view shows the 31 screws that attach the rods to her spine. Pretty amazing stuff.


Monday, January 23, 2012
Back from appointment with Dr. Whitaker
We had a full and good day at Sheree's appointment with Dr. Whitaker in Wichita today. Sheree asked me to post the two x-rays from today, but I am having trouble with the scanned documents. We will keep trying to upload the x-rays in future posts.
Here is the good news:
1. All the bandages from the surgery are now removed and do not need to be replaced. The stitches are on the inside and will not need to be removed either. The incision is healing nicely and does not need any dressing changes.
2. Sheree has been cleared to take a shower. From Sheree's reaction to this, it is a big deal to be able to shower.
3. They were very positive about all the walking that Sheree has done and indicated that this will shorten the recovery time.
4. By the numbers:
Sheree is 2 inches taller than before the surgery. We suspected this when she looked me in the eye when we stood next to each other.
The curviture is stabilized with the lumbar decreased from 55 degrees to 23 degrees and the thoracic decreased from 65 degrees to 50 degrees.
The final titanium count is 31 pins and 2 rods. (How does the name "Titanium Sheree" sound? Kind of catchy, don't you think?)
The length of the incision is 16.5 inches.
The not so good news, but understandable:
1. The treadmill will need to wait. But because of the good weather today, Sheree walked over 3/4 of a mile outside all at one time. Way to go Sheree. Don't know if I will be able to keep up.
2. Driving is not clear yet. Hopefully this will become more clear when we return for her next followup appointment about 3 weeks from now on February 15.
3. The incision is itchy.
So all in all, we are very pleased with the direction things are heading.
As I reflect on Sheree's decision to undergo this surgery, it was certainly a courageous step for her to take since she was not in pain before. But the goal was to partially correct and mainly stabilize her spine so that 20 years from now, she won't say, I wish I had done the surgery sooner. Although there is much work to do for complete recovery, this will seem even better 20 years from now when she will be able to say: I'm glad I did that 20 years ago.
6:00 pm 01-23-2012
Here is the good news:
1. All the bandages from the surgery are now removed and do not need to be replaced. The stitches are on the inside and will not need to be removed either. The incision is healing nicely and does not need any dressing changes.
2. Sheree has been cleared to take a shower. From Sheree's reaction to this, it is a big deal to be able to shower.
3. They were very positive about all the walking that Sheree has done and indicated that this will shorten the recovery time.
4. By the numbers:
Sheree is 2 inches taller than before the surgery. We suspected this when she looked me in the eye when we stood next to each other.
The curviture is stabilized with the lumbar decreased from 55 degrees to 23 degrees and the thoracic decreased from 65 degrees to 50 degrees.
The final titanium count is 31 pins and 2 rods. (How does the name "Titanium Sheree" sound? Kind of catchy, don't you think?)
The length of the incision is 16.5 inches.
The not so good news, but understandable:
1. The treadmill will need to wait. But because of the good weather today, Sheree walked over 3/4 of a mile outside all at one time. Way to go Sheree. Don't know if I will be able to keep up.
2. Driving is not clear yet. Hopefully this will become more clear when we return for her next followup appointment about 3 weeks from now on February 15.
3. The incision is itchy.
So all in all, we are very pleased with the direction things are heading.
As I reflect on Sheree's decision to undergo this surgery, it was certainly a courageous step for her to take since she was not in pain before. But the goal was to partially correct and mainly stabilize her spine so that 20 years from now, she won't say, I wish I had done the surgery sooner. Although there is much work to do for complete recovery, this will seem even better 20 years from now when she will be able to say: I'm glad I did that 20 years ago.
6:00 pm 01-23-2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
In for the long haul
This morning I was reminded of a story from my high school years. A friend of mine who was out for track was describing how when you run a medium length race in track like the half mile, that for the first few yards, you sprint to start, but then you settle into the pace at less than a sprint because of how long the race is.
That's where we are at now. We have sprinted for 10 days counting from Sheree's surgery on January 10. Now we need to set the pace for the next 12 weeks for Sheree's recovery. Somewhat philosophical, but it seemed relevant.
We go to see Sheree's surgeon in Wichita on Monday, so we will likely not have any more blog posts till we return from that.
Thanks for all your prayers and support.
11:20 am 01-20-2012
That's where we are at now. We have sprinted for 10 days counting from Sheree's surgery on January 10. Now we need to set the pace for the next 12 weeks for Sheree's recovery. Somewhat philosophical, but it seemed relevant.
We go to see Sheree's surgeon in Wichita on Monday, so we will likely not have any more blog posts till we return from that.
Thanks for all your prayers and support.
11:20 am 01-20-2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
It's My Turn!
Today has been a very good day -- walked 1 mile on my "track" inside our home (boring, but I did it), took a 1.5 hr snooze this afternoon, a friend stopped by just to visit, another friend delivered delightfully good stew and muffins, my mom ironed all of Elgin's shirts this morning, etc. The list could go on and on. I'm so grateful for all the prayers, encouraging blog comments, and just general caring that I've been receiving. I'm not sure what I expected to feel after the surgery, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't expecting to feel this good!!!! Thanks for your prayers!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Accuracy check

A number of people have been inquiring about how Sheree is "really" doing. Thinking that maybe we are only telling the good parts or maybe sugar coating Sheree's status.
So here are the bad parts:
1. Sheree wears a brace from her waist to her shoulder blades that is not the most comfortable. It is made of a hard plastic like material and she wears it to bed at night. She can take it off to clean up.
2. Full recovery is expected to take from 8 to 12 weeks.
3. She takes pain medication that helps her to be able to remain active and walk. The medication causes her to sleep during the day in addition to night.
4. For now, she is somewhat confined to the house. She hasn't left home since coming home on Sunday.
5. She is not to take a shower or bath until the bandage is removed which hopefully will be Monday when she has an appointment with Dr. Whitaker.
6. There will be a scar the full length of her back.
So from what we were expecting or not knowing what to expect, we are very pleased that Sheree is:
1. Able to walk over a half mile a day.
2. Able to sleep well at night. The last two nights she got up once each night. (That's as good or better than me, if you know what I mean.)
3. Able to have pain under control with medication. Not pain free, but under control. I always knew that she is one tough lady.
4. Able to visit and communicate. Sometimes she has dreams that seem real to her that are not true from the medication. Of course, I have that sometimes too.
We know that the road ahead may seem long in a few weeks from now and that there will be some days when it is less pleasant than hoped for. But for now, Sheree's condition is better than anticipated for a 7.5 hour surgery with approximately 30 screws in her back.
Here is a picture of Sheree walking earlier today.
8:15 pm 01-17-2012
Did I mention that we have been blessed with Sheree's health status with being one week ago that she had surgery?
Wow, doing great
As I look at Sheree, I'm amazed at how well she is doing. The highlights include:
1. She has walked 13 laps today so far wih 10 of them all at one time, and it is early afternoon. (29 laps = one mile) I may have to start walking or risk not being able to keep up with her.
2. She is able to get into and out of bed by herself.
3. While the brace is not comfortable, she is adjusting to it very well.
4. She is up and around attending to things as she is able.
5. Overall, she is doing great.
It's hard to believe that a week ago today at this same time, she was in the middle of a 7.5 hour surgery on her back. Of course, we don't know how long full recovery will take for her to be able to be back at work and about daily activities, but this is certainly more than we expected for one week from surgery.
Sheree's parents are here today and tomorrow to help out. It's great to have their help.
1:20 pm 01-17-2012
P.S. Did I mention that Sheree is doing great and beyond our expectations?
1. She has walked 13 laps today so far wih 10 of them all at one time, and it is early afternoon. (29 laps = one mile) I may have to start walking or risk not being able to keep up with her.
2. She is able to get into and out of bed by herself.
3. While the brace is not comfortable, she is adjusting to it very well.
4. She is up and around attending to things as she is able.
5. Overall, she is doing great.
It's hard to believe that a week ago today at this same time, she was in the middle of a 7.5 hour surgery on her back. Of course, we don't know how long full recovery will take for her to be able to be back at work and about daily activities, but this is certainly more than we expected for one week from surgery.
Sheree's parents are here today and tomorrow to help out. It's great to have their help.
1:20 pm 01-17-2012
P.S. Did I mention that Sheree is doing great and beyond our expectations?
Monday, January 16, 2012
First morning at home
We went to bed last night at about 10:30 and woke up about 7:45 with only getting up one time during the night. So we both slept well.
Heidi was here till about 12:30 this afternoon helping us get the morning routine down. Still have some bugs to work out, but kind of have an idea of how it will work. (Sheree just came from the bathroom and announced that she went to the bathroom all by herself. So that's a good thing. She felt confident enough to try by herself. Almost sounds like something our kids may have said many years ago.)
Sheree asked me to measure the lap in the house that she will be walking. She is walking now as I am typing. She touches the wall, kind of like basketball players do when they run the lines. For now, 29 laps = one mile. The treadmill is upstaris in the living room and ready to go. She needs to get clearance from Dr. Whitaker before she can use it. Her appointment with Dr. Whitaker is a week from today, January 23. That appointment will be an opportunity to get clearance for a number of things as she recovers.
1:30 pm 01-16-2012
P.S. Have I mentioned that we are home? Just wanted to make sure I had not forgotten to say that.
Heidi was here till about 12:30 this afternoon helping us get the morning routine down. Still have some bugs to work out, but kind of have an idea of how it will work. (Sheree just came from the bathroom and announced that she went to the bathroom all by herself. So that's a good thing. She felt confident enough to try by herself. Almost sounds like something our kids may have said many years ago.)
Sheree asked me to measure the lap in the house that she will be walking. She is walking now as I am typing. She touches the wall, kind of like basketball players do when they run the lines. For now, 29 laps = one mile. The treadmill is upstaris in the living room and ready to go. She needs to get clearance from Dr. Whitaker before she can use it. Her appointment with Dr. Whitaker is a week from today, January 23. That appointment will be an opportunity to get clearance for a number of things as she recovers.
1:30 pm 01-16-2012
P.S. Have I mentioned that we are home? Just wanted to make sure I had not forgotten to say that.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
We are home Sunday.
We made it home a little before 6:00 p.m. Heidi is with us tonight and part of tomorrow yet, thanks to Martin Luther King Jr. day. I'm home for most of the next two weeks.
So now it's figuring out how and where to go from here. As we were walking into the house, Sheree apologized for not being able to help carry things in. Somewhat laughable, but that's how Sheree is, always there to help.
We celebrated by getting ice cream at Wendy's on the way home. We stopped in Hillsboro to stretch to make the 1.5 hour trip more bearable.
By the numbers:
Sheree walked 2.25 miles while in the hospital including the first day after surgery.
97 mile trip from Wesley Medical Center to home in Abilene.
Sheree is resting now once she determined which chair is the most comfortable.
Thanks to everyone for your prayers. While being discharged from the hospital is a great first step to recovery, I get the feeling that the real work starts now. I am certain that Sheree is up to it. She was a great worker in the hospital.
8:30 pm 01-15-2012
So now it's figuring out how and where to go from here. As we were walking into the house, Sheree apologized for not being able to help carry things in. Somewhat laughable, but that's how Sheree is, always there to help.
We celebrated by getting ice cream at Wendy's on the way home. We stopped in Hillsboro to stretch to make the 1.5 hour trip more bearable.
By the numbers:
Sheree walked 2.25 miles while in the hospital including the first day after surgery.
97 mile trip from Wesley Medical Center to home in Abilene.
Sheree is resting now once she determined which chair is the most comfortable.
Thanks to everyone for your prayers. While being discharged from the hospital is a great first step to recovery, I get the feeling that the real work starts now. I am certain that Sheree is up to it. She was a great worker in the hospital.
8:30 pm 01-15-2012
Coming home!!!!!!
We are coming home this afternoon. Just found out less than half hour ago.
The drainage was down to 50 ml this morning and is heading in the right direction, so Dr. Whitaker said we could go home.
Instead of walking the circle to nowhere, we will be heading north to Kuney Street in Abilene.
So Dr. Whitaker's initial projection of 5 days was right on.
By the numbers: One more lap after lunch will make it 44 laps or two miles since surgery. But do numbers really matter? We are coming home.
12:30 pm 01-15-2012
P.S. Did I mention that we are coming home?
The drainage was down to 50 ml this morning and is heading in the right direction, so Dr. Whitaker said we could go home.
Instead of walking the circle to nowhere, we will be heading north to Kuney Street in Abilene.
So Dr. Whitaker's initial projection of 5 days was right on.
By the numbers: One more lap after lunch will make it 44 laps or two miles since surgery. But do numbers really matter? We are coming home.
12:30 pm 01-15-2012
P.S. Did I mention that we are coming home?
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Saturday Night Live
It's Heidi here, reporting in for blog-updating duty.
***Note: the picture captions are not matching up with the pictures...and I can't figure out how to fix it. I challenge you to match the captions to the pictures. Go. :)
What are you doing this Saturday eve? Well, my goodness, things are lively in the 429. Lots 'o treats, flowers, newspapers, walking laps, playing Rummy, and football playing in the background.
Today has been a good, relaxing day. Mom has walked many laps and taken several long naps. Originally, she was to be dismissed today, but after the drainage from her incision site has not lessened, the doctors insisted that she stay one more night (dad will report the numbers later...).
In an effort to explain to you the jazziness of our Saturday night, here are some pics.
This is what our hopping bar looks like:

Can you spot me (Heidi) in this picture?

What about in this picture?

This was our parade route this evening:

And mom rockin' the brace:

As I said, it's been a good day. Mom is generally feeling well. Her back is tight, but her nausea is no more. Dad is well. He could barely keep up with mom thanks to his gimpy foot.
Mom continues to blow our minds with her perseverance and positive attitude. Even in the midst of all that has occurred in her life this weekend, she refuses to get down on herself. What a lady. So thankful she's my mom. Here's to hoping that someday I'm half the woman she is.
PS - dad is pretty cool, too. :)
As promised, here is Elgin's numerical report:
Sheree has walked 15 laps today for a total of 36 laps. (22 laps is a mile) So over 1.5 miles.
Rummary score:
Sheree 45
Heidi 60
Elgin 184
***Note: the picture captions are not matching up with the pictures...and I can't figure out how to fix it. I challenge you to match the captions to the pictures. Go. :)
What are you doing this Saturday eve? Well, my goodness, things are lively in the 429. Lots 'o treats, flowers, newspapers, walking laps, playing Rummy, and football playing in the background.
Today has been a good, relaxing day. Mom has walked many laps and taken several long naps. Originally, she was to be dismissed today, but after the drainage from her incision site has not lessened, the doctors insisted that she stay one more night (dad will report the numbers later...).
In an effort to explain to you the jazziness of our Saturday night, here are some pics.
This is what our hopping bar looks like:

Can you spot me (Heidi) in this picture?

What about in this picture?

This was our parade route this evening:

And mom rockin' the brace:

As I said, it's been a good day. Mom is generally feeling well. Her back is tight, but her nausea is no more. Dad is well. He could barely keep up with mom thanks to his gimpy foot.
Mom continues to blow our minds with her perseverance and positive attitude. Even in the midst of all that has occurred in her life this weekend, she refuses to get down on herself. What a lady. So thankful she's my mom. Here's to hoping that someday I'm half the woman she is.
PS - dad is pretty cool, too. :)
As promised, here is Elgin's numerical report:
Sheree has walked 15 laps today for a total of 36 laps. (22 laps is a mile) So over 1.5 miles.
Rummary score:
Sheree 45
Heidi 60
Elgin 184
Saturday, January 14 update
It looks like Sheree will be at Wesley Medical Center for at least another day. The amount of drainage has not decreased to the level that it needs to before going home. She has been walking regularly and her stability with walking continues to improve. She walks by herself without assistance. It will just take some more time for her body to adjust to the trauma that surgery has brought on her body. They don't seem to be concerned about the drainage, except that they don't want to send her home with the drainage tube and letting it build up inside would give worse results that we would not be prepared to address at home.
So to summarize:
Tuesday - surgery, longer than anticipated, but good outcome.
Wednesday - walked first day after surgery (2 steps forward)
Thursday - light headed and woozy (1 step back)
Friday - walked quite a bit and anticipatee going home tomorrow (2 steps forward)
Saturday - drainage not reduced enough to go home (1 step back)
Sunday - that's tomorrow, so it's time for the 2 steps forward
By the numbers: Number of screws in Sheree's back = approximately 29 to 31. Plan on a more accurate count in future reports.
8:45 am 01-14-2012
So to summarize:
Tuesday - surgery, longer than anticipated, but good outcome.
Wednesday - walked first day after surgery (2 steps forward)
Thursday - light headed and woozy (1 step back)
Friday - walked quite a bit and anticipatee going home tomorrow (2 steps forward)
Saturday - drainage not reduced enough to go home (1 step back)
Sunday - that's tomorrow, so it's time for the 2 steps forward
By the numbers: Number of screws in Sheree's back = approximately 29 to 31. Plan on a more accurate count in future reports.
8:45 am 01-14-2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
Sheree continues to improve. Not having specific things to say is a sign that she is heading in the right direction. More walking, drinking water, usual pain meds, etc. Discharge continues to point to tomorrow (Saturday).
Heidi came this morning and will be with us for the weekend. Great to have her around. She requests cookies if you come to visit.
By the numbers:
1. 14 equavalent laps of walking completed. (not a goal, but 22 is a mile)
2. 7 is Heidi's favorite number.
3. Today is Friday the 13th. My Dad used to have a number of significant things that occurred on the 13th for him.
4. If discharge occurs tomorrow, that is one day sooner than initially planned.
4:30 pm 01-13-2012
Heidi came this morning and will be with us for the weekend. Great to have her around. She requests cookies if you come to visit.
By the numbers:
1. 14 equavalent laps of walking completed. (not a goal, but 22 is a mile)
2. 7 is Heidi's favorite number.
3. Today is Friday the 13th. My Dad used to have a number of significant things that occurred on the 13th for him.
4. If discharge occurs tomorrow, that is one day sooner than initially planned.
4:30 pm 01-13-2012
Home is in sight per Dr. Whitaker
Sheree just returned from walking a double lap. She kept missing the turns and walked the full lenght of the unit and back.
They are checking her hemoglobin and are considering medication to address her light headedness. She ate an egg sandwich that didn't meet up to Ronald's standards, but ate most of it. They want her to drink lots of water which has been a habit for many years already.
They are suggesting that she go home today or tomorrow, but it sounds more likely for tomorrow, depending on some outcomes this afternoon.
We are encouraged and taking it one day at a time.
9:45 am 01-13-2012
They are checking her hemoglobin and are considering medication to address her light headedness. She ate an egg sandwich that didn't meet up to Ronald's standards, but ate most of it. They want her to drink lots of water which has been a habit for many years already.
They are suggesting that she go home today or tomorrow, but it sounds more likely for tomorrow, depending on some outcomes this afternoon.
We are encouraged and taking it one day at a time.
9:45 am 01-13-2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
By the numbers
I know some of you expect to hear about the numbers from me, so I don't want to disapoint you all.
The floor is square tiles, so it is easy to count tiles and determine the length of the "medium" walking route since a tile is one foot square. It turns out that one "medium" lap is 240 feet and 240 x 22 laps is 5280 feet or one mile. So give Sheree some time to get her mile in. So far she has walked 4 laps, but the week is young yet.
Thanks for all your prayers.
7:30 pm 01-12-2012
The floor is square tiles, so it is easy to count tiles and determine the length of the "medium" walking route since a tile is one foot square. It turns out that one "medium" lap is 240 feet and 240 x 22 laps is 5280 feet or one mile. So give Sheree some time to get her mile in. So far she has walked 4 laps, but the week is young yet.
Thanks for all your prayers.
7:30 pm 01-12-2012
Good Evening!
Today has been one of those days --- felt like I didn't make much progress today. I struggled with nausea this morning and then this afternoon whenever they would try to get me up I would get light-headed. So....I basically laid in bed and slept. After my dinner meal of chef's salad, corn chowder, soft rolls, raspberry shebert, and a cookie that my sister sent up I was ready to try it again. Did the "medium" route tonight --- hope to do it several more times tonight yet.
The care here at Wesley is absolutely wonderful. But even more than all that professional care is the tender and loving care that Elgin gives me. He has a cot here in the room with me so that I can wake him up when I need to get up and we don't have to wait for an aide. Elgin is a life-saver!
Thanks again for ALL the prayers and encouraging notes! Thanks for pulling alongside me. I need those kicks in the pants!!! As Dr. Whitaker puts it --- it is going to be one day at a time!!!
Thanks for caring!
The care here at Wesley is absolutely wonderful. But even more than all that professional care is the tender and loving care that Elgin gives me. He has a cot here in the room with me so that I can wake him up when I need to get up and we don't have to wait for an aide. Elgin is a life-saver!
Thanks again for ALL the prayers and encouraging notes! Thanks for pulling alongside me. I need those kicks in the pants!!! As Dr. Whitaker puts it --- it is going to be one day at a time!!!
Thanks for caring!
Day two begins
Sheree slept well and ate oatmeal for breakfast. Kind of woozy, but working email. She is thinking about taking a nap. Dr. Whitaker has stopped by and said to take it a day at a time. It takes a good surgeon and a determined patient. I'm convinced that both are present.
Actually not much to report on this early in the day, but that sounds like a good thing. No news is good news. Nothing unexpected right now.
The numbers for the day: RN-Mary 28474, CNA-Deb 28384
9:10 am 01-12-2012
Actually not much to report on this early in the day, but that sounds like a good thing. No news is good news. Nothing unexpected right now.
The numbers for the day: RN-Mary 28474, CNA-Deb 28384
9:10 am 01-12-2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
My turn
Just had my dinner tray and now I wanted to say "Hi!". So glad to be on the other side of surgery. I have slept A LOT today...some good drugs. Elin and I just got back from doing another 1/4 mile walk. Feels like I'm walking like a robot! As I reread what I've written I'm not sure how lucid I really am! Pain is being pretty well controlled. Not all systems have awakened from their long-winter's nap. Getting sleepy. Again I want to say a HUMONGOUS prayer og thanks for the vital roles you are playing now as you lift me up in prayer!
First Steps
Sheree walked around the quarter mile race track in the hospital today. Okay, maybe not a quarter mile, but it was a rectangular walk to the nurses station from her room at the end of the hall and around the area, and she did great. She is wearing her new brace that allows her to sit and walk. Very fashionable. I might have to learn to sit straighter or wear higher heals. All in all, very pleased with how the walk went. The physical therapist commented on how Dr. Whitaker patients often do very well. So that is exciting as news.
Sheree is resting now, but indicated that she wants to walk again after resting a while and before going to bed tonight. So that may end up being walking three times today. They indicated that walking 3 to 4 times is what often happens on the 3rd or 4th day. Again, very exciting results.
Numbers for the day: Equipment with numbers is disappearing, but the last number on the IV pump says 100. It must mean 100%. Go Sheree.
More later, but very exciting to see how Sheree is doing the first day after surgery.
3:00 pm 01-11-2012
Sheree is resting now, but indicated that she wants to walk again after resting a while and before going to bed tonight. So that may end up being walking three times today. They indicated that walking 3 to 4 times is what often happens on the 3rd or 4th day. Again, very exciting results.
Numbers for the day: Equipment with numbers is disappearing, but the last number on the IV pump says 100. It must mean 100%. Go Sheree.
More later, but very exciting to see how Sheree is doing the first day after surgery.
3:00 pm 01-11-2012
January 11 Devotional from Sarah Young
Below is a devotional written by Sarah Young written in first person as Jesus speaking:
Trust Me by relinquishing control into My hands. Let go, and recognize that I am God. This is My world: I made it and I control it. Yours is a responsive part in the litany of Love. I search among My children for receptivity to Me. Guard well this gift that I have planted in your heart. Nurture it with the Light of My Presence. When you bring Me prayer requests, lay out your concerns before Me. Speak to Me candidly; pour out your heart. Then thank Me for the answers that I have set into motion long before you can discern results. When your requests come to mind again, continue to thank Me for the answers that are on the way. If you keep on stating your concerns to Me, you will live in a state of tension. When you thank Me for how I am answering your prayers, your mind-set becomes much more positive. Thankful prayers keep your focus on My Presence and My promises.
Sheree asked me to post this.
10:35 am 01-11-2012
Trust Me by relinquishing control into My hands. Let go, and recognize that I am God. This is My world: I made it and I control it. Yours is a responsive part in the litany of Love. I search among My children for receptivity to Me. Guard well this gift that I have planted in your heart. Nurture it with the Light of My Presence. When you bring Me prayer requests, lay out your concerns before Me. Speak to Me candidly; pour out your heart. Then thank Me for the answers that I have set into motion long before you can discern results. When your requests come to mind again, continue to thank Me for the answers that are on the way. If you keep on stating your concerns to Me, you will live in a state of tension. When you thank Me for how I am answering your prayers, your mind-set becomes much more positive. Thankful prayers keep your focus on My Presence and My promises.
Sheree asked me to post this.
10:35 am 01-11-2012
Will I be able to play the piano?
So here is a funny one, at least it was funny for me (Elgin)
A few months ago, Sheree asked Dr. Whitaker if she will be able to play the piano. As you know, Sheree loves to play and this is important to her.
Dr. Whitaker responded by asking her if she can play the piano now. (Elgin unable to keep from laughing while Dr. Whitaker is smirking.)
If you aren't familiar with the classical joke, you may not have found this humorous. The classical joke goes something like this:
Patient: Will I be able to play the piano after surgery?
Doctor: Yes
Patient: Great, I've never been able to play the piano and always wanted to.
Sheree hasn't found this to be as funny as I have, but she is a good sport. I guess that's the risk when she entrusted her blog to me.
The good news is that Dr. Whitaker said that playing the piano for her would not be a problem.
7:25 am 01-11-2012
A few months ago, Sheree asked Dr. Whitaker if she will be able to play the piano. As you know, Sheree loves to play and this is important to her.
Dr. Whitaker responded by asking her if she can play the piano now. (Elgin unable to keep from laughing while Dr. Whitaker is smirking.)
If you aren't familiar with the classical joke, you may not have found this humorous. The classical joke goes something like this:
Patient: Will I be able to play the piano after surgery?
Doctor: Yes
Patient: Great, I've never been able to play the piano and always wanted to.
Sheree hasn't found this to be as funny as I have, but she is a good sport. I guess that's the risk when she entrusted her blog to me.
The good news is that Dr. Whitaker said that playing the piano for her would not be a problem.
7:25 am 01-11-2012
After first night and goals for the day
Sheree asked me to post for her this morning.
She was able to fall asleep between visits from staff. She seemed to sleep quite well and is trying to fall asleep again now.
They were able to get some correction with surgery. The main goal of stabilizing her back was achieved.
The goals for today include:
1. Move from the pain pump to oral pain medication.
2. Put the back brace on.
3. Get out of bed and move around.
4. Be able to sit in a chair.
5. Remove tubes.
Many thanks to Dr. Whitaker and his team. Many thanks to all of you who have been praying for Sheree.
God has been good and we are confident that His goodness is unending.
7:15 am 01-11-2012
She was able to fall asleep between visits from staff. She seemed to sleep quite well and is trying to fall asleep again now.
They were able to get some correction with surgery. The main goal of stabilizing her back was achieved.
The goals for today include:
1. Move from the pain pump to oral pain medication.
2. Put the back brace on.
3. Get out of bed and move around.
4. Be able to sit in a chair.
5. Remove tubes.
Many thanks to Dr. Whitaker and his team. Many thanks to all of you who have been praying for Sheree.
God has been good and we are confident that His goodness is unending.
7:15 am 01-11-2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
What a wonderful sound to hear Sheree snoring lightly. Hopefully my snoring will not wake her up.
11:15 pm 01-10-2012
11:15 pm 01-10-2012
Later in first evening after surgery
Sheree has been dosing in 30 minute increments. They turned her a little on her side, so not stuck on back the entire time. She seems quite settled down and able to rest.
Thanks to everyone for your prayers. We appreciate them greatly. God has been good today as He always is.
Current numbers in the room include: 28474. 28354, 100, 47, and 6.
Her room is in building 4, room 429. Anyone familiar with the musical group Building 429?
Thanks again for all your prayers.
11:10 pm 01-10-2012
Thanks to everyone for your prayers. We appreciate them greatly. God has been good today as He always is.
Current numbers in the room include: 28474. 28354, 100, 47, and 6.
Her room is in building 4, room 429. Anyone familiar with the musical group Building 429?
Thanks again for all your prayers.
11:10 pm 01-10-2012
First evening after surgery, Tuesday
Thanks for everyone that was here today which included, Dad and Mom Vogt, Deb Gilmore, Shane Britt, Jules and Peg Glanzer, Heidi and Daniel, and Nicholas. Nicholas surprised all of us. He drove to Topeka today and drove in with Heidi and Daniel.
Sheree is in good spirits. While becoming more alert and at the same time dosing off from time to time. Today she gets to rest and tomorrow she starts to walk.
Seems like this update wouldn't be complete without a report on the numbers. Current numbers on display on equipment by her bedside include: 100, 51, and 7.
9:05 pm 01-10-2012 (The automatic posting time on the blog appears to not work.)
Sheree is in good spirits. While becoming more alert and at the same time dosing off from time to time. Today she gets to rest and tomorrow she starts to walk.
Seems like this update wouldn't be complete without a report on the numbers. Current numbers on display on equipment by her bedside include: 100, 51, and 7.
9:05 pm 01-10-2012 (The automatic posting time on the blog appears to not work.)
Surgery is over
I just visited with Dr. Whitaker about 30 minutes ago. Surgery was about 7.5 hours long, so longer than anticipated, but went well. She went in at 7:39 am and Dr. Whitaker visited with me about 3:15 pm. Sheree will not be going to ICU, so that sounds like good news. They indicated that I should be able to see her in about one to 1.5 hours from when Dr. Whitaker came out. My hat is off to the team that was in there for 7.5 hours. That sounds like a long time to me, but hey, they don't let me close to patients where I work.
We will keep you posted as we learn more and as soon as Sheree is able to communicate what she is experiencing.
Thanks to Dr. Whitaker and his surgery team.
Elgin, for Sheree
We will keep you posted as we learn more and as soon as Sheree is able to communicate what she is experiencing.
Thanks to Dr. Whitaker and his surgery team.
Elgin, for Sheree
Today's the Day!
God, thank you so much for rest and helping me fall asleep last night! You are so good! Today I lift up the surgical team, Dr. Whitaker and Dr. Adams, the anesthesiologist, all the rest of the nursing team, and the instrumentation that will be used. God, you have created all things and You hold all things in Your powerful hands! I place my life into Your hands because You, God, are so trustworthy. Thank you for loving me, for being such a faithful God, and for never giving up on me. In Your name, Amen.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Learning how to post a blog by Elgin
So Sheree is teaching me how to post for her blog. This is my test run to prepare for future postings.
Thanks for all your prayers.
Thanks for all your prayers.
Day Before
What a sweet time I was privileged to have this morning as I was loved on by many of my besties here in Abilene. God has blessed me beyond comprehension with so many sweet friends. I can leave here in full confidence that all my friends are pulling for me and praying me through this. Thanks friends!!
We are now almost all packed up, of course I don't have to take much as I'll be wearing the lovely hospital attire. Elgin is packed also. Need to do a few last minute things before we head off. I have an appointment at 3:30 with Dr. Whitaker to get marked for surgery, to get fitted with the special hospital brace, and for him to answer any questions that we have about the surgery. At this point I just want to get started down this road so I can begin the lengthy and difficult recovery.
I will try to get this figured out so that Elgin can post while I'm out of it. Thanks for praying and for caring!!!
We are now almost all packed up, of course I don't have to take much as I'll be wearing the lovely hospital attire. Elgin is packed also. Need to do a few last minute things before we head off. I have an appointment at 3:30 with Dr. Whitaker to get marked for surgery, to get fitted with the special hospital brace, and for him to answer any questions that we have about the surgery. At this point I just want to get started down this road so I can begin the lengthy and difficult recovery.
I will try to get this figured out so that Elgin can post while I'm out of it. Thanks for praying and for caring!!!
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