Elgin and I were in Wichita today for a follow-up appointment with Dr. Whitaker. X-rays were taken again to verify that the rods and screws were still in place and still doing their job. Basically I was told that most of my restrictions have been lifted --- I can return to work, can use the treadmill, can swim and use the hot tub, and can drive --- all the while continuing to wear my TLSO brace anytime I'm up out of bed. Things I can't do: anything that causes me pain and no BLT's (bending, lifting, and/or twisting). Dr. Whitaker was pleased, he didn't do any cart-wheels, but when Elgin asked if HE could do the cart-wheels, Dr. Whitaker supported that.
We go back for another follow-up appointment in six weeks, at which time I'm hopeful that Dr. Whitaker will allow me to begin weaning myself of wearing the brace. But for now, we are just keeping on keeping on, wearing the brace!
Elgin and I continue to be amazed and thankful for the ease of recovery that I've had. It is a huge answer to our prayers and the prayers of so many of our friends and family. Thanks to each one of you for joining with us in prayer in this venture. As Dr. Whitaker said today, it was a huge surgery, and when I hear him reiterate that fact, I'm just humbled that God has brought me this far.
PTL for the wonderful doctor's visit and his response. Keep up the good work and we know that the Lord will continue to do HIS part, which is so important!! We'll keep praying.