Thursday, February 9, 2012

Winter Blessings

When I received the call that a surgery date had been set for January 10, 2012, one of my MANY concerns (aka worries --- let's just be honest) was that the weather would hinder me from going outside to walk. What a huge blessing that, even tho' it's rather chilly, I still have friends that are willing and eager to walk me. We usually walk .9 mile in the morning and 1.6 miles in the afternoon. The other day the weather was quasi-snowy/rainy so I had to walk here in the house --- 29 laps on my "house-track" makes for one mile. I did it, but let's just say it was BORING!!!!

Another blessing in regard to another worry was that I would be bored during recovery as I am used to being out and about, working in the morning, and being around people. The other day, at exactly the four week mark, was the first day that the thought crossed my mind, hmmm, what shall I do today. For me, that is a HUGE answer to prayer, that I have been pretty content healing here at home. Of course, I've been so blessed with lots of visits, cards, and prayers.

Finally, I must say how blessed Elgin and I have been by all the random acts of kindness that people continue to show us. One friend is off on Tues and Thurs so she takes it upon herself to walk me in the mornings --- all this on HER day off. Another neighbor wanted to start exercising so she is my partner for the afternoons. We've had tasty meals delivered here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights --- next week is the last week of meals and that will be FIVE weeks of meals!!!! Several friends came over last week and cleaned our home and did the laundry. Another friend delivered a latte to me and we just sat and chatted. A nurse friend of mine tells me she is on call for me 24/7. Another friend checks in frequently by phone or text to see if I need anything. I know I've forgotten some but WOW! the body of Christ is just amazing!!! So privileged to be the recepient of all those blessings.

Thought I should try to go off the Lortab that I was on for pain and just use Tylenol --- not successful. Too early to try that. As a friend reminded me yesterday of what I had told her another time "Don't try to be a hero! Use that pain medication!" Another friend told me to pull out my copy of the x-ray with all that hardware in me and remind myself that it's only been four weeks. Okay, got the message --- I'm just trying to cut down on the amount.

Well, that's the latest thoughts that are rumbling around in my head. My next doctor's appointment is Wednesday, Feb. 15 so I'm sure there will be an update posted after that. I'm hoping that Dr. Whitaker will do "cartwheels" over how well I'm doing --- hmmm --- probably not, but I can always wish!!

1 comment:

  1. I check every couple days to see how you are doing so I'm glad to see your note. May you continue to heal and at the right speed/time be doing other things. If you're looking for things to do, let me know, I could give you MANY things. We'll keep praying.
